Di Huang

Research Assistant
Institute of Data and Information, Tsinghua SIGS, Tsinghua University
Email: dihuangdylan@gmail.com, huangdi@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn
[GitHub], [ORCID]

📌 My research interests are computer vision, multi-modal learning, AIGC, and large language/vision models.


▪️ Received my BSc degree in Computer Science from University of Iowa.
▪️ Received my MSc degree in Advanced Computing from Imperial College London.

Selected Publications

▪️ [ACM MM 2024] Freehand Sketch Generation from Mechanical Components
   Zhichao Liao*, Di Huang*, Heming Fang*, Yue Ma, Fengyuan Piao, Xinghui Li, Long Zeng, Pingfa Feng
   [Project Website], [Code], [Paper]
▪️ Training-Free Point Cloud Recognition Based on Geometric and Semantic Information Fusion
   Yan Chen*, Di Huang*, Zhichao Liao, Xi Cheng, Xinghui Li, Lone Zeng

Selected Projects

▪️ [National Key Research and Development Program] Data Collection and Processing of Hand-drawn Sketches Based on Digital Pen
   Successfully passed the mid-term inspection and evaluation.